Email: [email protected]
All students must be in Period 1 by 8.45 a.m. (except on Wednesdays, when school begins at 9.45 a.m.) and attend all timetabled classes while at school unless otherwise directed by a staff member.
If your child is late for school they are to bring a note giving the reason. If they arrive after 8.45 am, they must report to the Student Wellbeing Centre for a late pass.
In the event that your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please contact the Attendance Officer, on the morning of the absence on +64-9-441-9773, or +64-9-444-9776, or email [email protected], leaving your child’s name, year level and the reason for the absence.
Absences may also be reported via the School App, which can be installed from the following link: Glenfield College School App
An email from the parents/caregivers work email address is sufficient, however, a notification from a home email address still requires a signed, written note to be provided.
Students leaving school during the day must sign in and out via the Student Wellbeing Centre.
A note or email from the caregiver is required providing the reason for the leave, time of departure and estimated time of return to school.
Leave will not usually be granted for airport visits, driver’s licence testing, lunch etc.
Should time away from school be required for reasons other than sickness (for three days or longer), then a formal letter of request should be addressed to the Principal, preferably four weeks in advance of the anticipated leave.
- The school requires a medical certificate for any absence of over three days.
- If your child misses school time due to illness, please request a medical certificate from your GP as this will usually allow your child to sit any missed NZQA assessments when they return to school.
- We use a text message system that automatically sends a text message to families where their student has been marked absent from class. If you receive such a message and believe it to be wrong, please don’t panic, but phone the attendance office and we will do an extra class check to make sure. Sometimes students are involved in extracurricular activities and may be present in school, but not in their timetabled classroom.
- If students are sick for any reason and need to be sent home, the school nurse will contact parents directly.
- Any changes in medical status or preferences should be reported to the school nurse as soon as possible.

Direct Dial: 09 441 9773
General: 09 441 9776
Reception: 09 444 9066 ext. 909
Email: [email protected]
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