NCEA Success at Glenfield College
Glenfield College proudly announces an outstanding year of NCEA results that clearly demonstrate the school continues to promote quality teaching and learning for its students. The College focuses on growing its learners, with excellent academic tracking systems and providing a foundation for students’ success.
Shown are the NCEA Levels 1, 2, 3 and University Entrance results for the last five years. This data is roll-based (which means this data includes all students enrolled in Years 11 to 13 at the beginning of each year.)
Congratulations to all our staff, students and the community for helping Glenfield College reach its potential.
ERO Report for 2017
Here are excerpts from the latest ERO report. We strongly encourage parents to read the report and make an appointment with the Principal, Mr McKinley, to find out more about what Glenfield College has to offer.
The significant shift in Glenfield College NCEA achievement in 2016 is an indication of the effectiveness of leaders’ and teachers’ personalised and relational initiatives. Considerable efforts are made so students can access a curriculum that is responsive to their individualized learning needs and pathways.
Teachers and leaders follow holistic approaches to enable students to know themselves as learners.
The College provides extensive and responsive provision for students’ pastoral care.

Education Review Office

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