The 2019 Sports Prize-Giving was held on the 23rd of October. A big thank you for all staff, parents, coaches and volunteers who made up the large crowd of 300+. Our students will definitely take away sound advice from guest speakers Erikana Pedersen (Silver Fern, Canterbury Tactix) and Seafi Lafaialil-Sapolu (Samoan International) about work ethic, resilience and striving to be the best version of yourself. It was a special night filled with so much sporting success. Our team trophies, ‘The Grindlay Cup For Outstanding Performance by a Team’ was rightfully taken out by the Junior Boys’ Basketball and “The Botes Family Cup for Outstanding Improvement by a Team” was won by the 1st XI Girls’ Hockey. Our Sportsman of the Year was Sharif Abdullah (for the second year running) and Sportswomen of the Year, Blessing Kerehoma. You can view the photos from the night here:
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