Learning Support
Akoranga Tautoko
“Me mahi tahi tahi tātou mō te oranga o te katoa.
We must work together for the well-being of all.”
Learning Support focuses on providing support and care for students who may experience learning or health difficulties.
The Learning Support Centre:
- Assists and supports individual learning needs and abilities
- Provides a safe environment
- Builds and establishes relationships
- Understands and nurture our students
- Makes connections with whanau
Who Do We Help?
Short-term help is available for students dealing with physical injuries, short-term medical problems, or gaps in their learning.
Long-term help is available for students with physical, sensory, medical, mental, or emotional health issues, neurodiversity, literacy, or numeracy gaps.
Our kaiāwhina (teacher aides) help students to meet their full potential.
When working with a student we coordinate outside organisations where necessary to provide additional support.
Employment Pathways

Employment Pathways incorporates a broad range of topics and programmes that give students the skills and knowledge to make the most of the opportunities at school and then successfully transition into work and life in the general community.
Students today are confronted by a very different world compared to the one their parents and caregivers faced upon leaving school. People are increasingly required to work autonomously or in small teams in the workplace. Their employers expect them to assume greater responsibility, make important decisions, and be multi-skilled, flexible and creative.
Employment Pathways focuses on where students are now and assists them in moving forward with the support and guidance required. The education provided enables the school leaver to readily adapt to the expectations of the employment sector, be better prepared to cope with constant change and play a whole part in the society in which they live. Students will gain the knowledge, understanding, and skills essential for today’s and tomorrow’s world.
The Careers Department is available to all students to assist with their career decision-making.
The Careers Department provides the following services:
- Individual consultations with the Careers Adviser;
- STAR Courses – Government-funded short courses available to Y12 and Y13 students to experience and explore vocational pathways;
- Gateway – Work placements where students gain first-hand experience of potential career pathways and can gain industry-related credits;
- CV writing;
- Help with applications to universities and other tertiary institutions;
- Visits to Open Days or Experience Days;
- Tertiary Scholarship advice and assistance;
- Programmes for Māori and Pasifika;
- North Shore Careers Expo – An annual opportunity to find out more about prospective careers. Representatives from tertiary institutions and various industries are available to answer questions from the students.
All students from Years 9 to 13 are involved in career activities throughout the year. These programmes aim to help students develop self-awareness, find out about opportunities and then put decisions into action.
Located in the building to the side of the main carpark, students are welcome to visit the Careers Department during interval or lunchtime, or an appointment can be made for one-on-one career counselling.
Careers Department Contact
To make an appointment, students can either visit the Careers Department or email:
Alastair Tod, Careers Advisor
[email protected]
Rena Foolchand, Gateway Coordinator
[email protected]
Our dedicated Careers website can be accessed here.
The NZ Careers website is another excellent source of information and can be accessed here.
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